  • Special Events

    Annual Meeting & Awards Dinner


    The annual meeting & awards dinner occurs in the first quarter (typically January), and offers members  an opportunity to hear from the Chamber Board of Directors on priorities for the next year, as well as recognize local businesses and volunteers for their contributions to the community.




    Chamber Super Bowl


    This outrageously fun nights features teams of bowlers competing in three rounds of competition. The winners face off in a final round to win the traveling trophy. Local restaurants donate food in competition for the Silver Spatula Award. With food, drinks, bowling and good company, this night is always a hit!




    Spring Swing


    Each May, the Chamber of Commerce gathers for the Annual Spring Swing Golf Outing at the beautiful Lake Wisconsin Country Club. Starting with lunch and then a scramble at 12:30pm, the day concludes with a 6:00pm dinner and raffle. There are opportunities to golf, sponsor a hole, donate door prizes or volunteer. If you can't golf and/or volunteer during the day, plan on joining us for a great dinner full of laughs! This is one of the most popular networking events of the year.



    Cow Chip Beer Tent


    Cow Chip Logo The Chamber’s largest fundraiser is the beer garden at the annual Cow Chip Festival on Labor Day weekend. Volunteers are critical to the success of this event and are needed Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Consider having your employees volunteer and represent your business while helping out the Chamber!