If you always wanted to invest in Real Estate but never knew where to start, we are offering a three part seminar to get you going. We are going to explain various ways in which you can build your and your family wealth through investing in real estate. Seminars hosted in Sauk Prairie Chamber of Commerce. Please sign up on EventBrite to attend https://bit.ly/REinvestorseminar.
Thursday Jan 5, 2023
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM CST
January 5, 2023
7-8:30 pm
Sauk Prairie Chamber of Commerce
109 Phillips Boulevard
Sauk City, WI 53583
Free admission, EventBrite registration required:
Iza Korwel
Send Email
Printed courtesy of www.saukprairie.com – Contact the Sauk Prairie Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
109 Phillips Boulevard, Sauk City, WI 53583 – (608) 643-4168 – information@saukprairie.com