Get BOOed Sauk Prairie
Get BOOed Sauk Prairie! Looking for a fun activity around Halloween!? Pickup a BOO bag from the community center and BOO a friend or neighbor. How it Works: Pickup your BOO bag for the community center. The bag will be loaded with instructions, a we've been BOOed cutout, stickers, and lots of candy and other trinkets! You then secretly take this bag and BOO your neighbors. Grab the kids and under the cover of dusk, leave it on your neighbors or friends doorstep. Knock/ring the bell and run away! You don't want to get caught! Help us spread the Halloween fun with all of Sauk Prairie!
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Date and Time
Friday Oct 1, 2021 Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Bags available for pickup October 11
Sauk Prairie Neighborhoods
$5 for one bag or 3 bags for $12
Contact Information
Sauk Prairie Community Center (608) 643-8386 community.center@saukprairieschools.org
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