  • Great Sauk State Trail Logo

    Sauk Prairie is home to Wisconsin's newest state trail. The Great Sauk State Trail will link the Wisconsin River in Sauk City to Devil's Lake State Park. Phase I of the Great Sauk State Trail opened in 2017. The paved trail begins at the base of an old railroad bridge on the south side of Sauk City, past the first Culver's location, and through an historic Sauk City neighborhood. The trail then follows the Wisconsin River north to downtown Prairie du Sac. Bikers, walkers, and other pedestrians can take a break from the trail to grab a bite to eat, visit a gallery, do some shopping, or watch Sauk Prairie's majestic eagles nesting on the river's islands. The trail then continues north and runs to the southern edge of the Sauk Prairie Recreation Area where phase II begins.

    Phase II runs through the new Sauk Prairie Recreation Area and will soon connect to Devil's Lake State Park. Future plans for the trail include connections to the Reedsburg 400 Trail and a trail along Highway 12 to Madison. This will make it possible to bike from the Mississippi River to the Wisconsin State Capitol. Visit www.greatsaukstatetrail.org to learn more about the trail or donate!

    Click here to view the map.


  • Where to purchase a pass? Where to purchase a pass?

    Sauk Prairie Riverway Welcome Center | 109 Phillips Blvd., Sauk City
    Normal Hours are Mon.-Fri. 8am-4pm | Cash or Check only

    Village of Sauk City | 726 Water St., Sauk City
    Normal Hours are Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm | Cash or Check only

    Village of Prairie du Sac | 335 Galena St., Prairie du Sac
    Normal Hours are Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm | Cash or Check only

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