Events Calendar
Free Yoga
Yoga @ Ruth Culver Community Library in Prairie du Sac starting @ 9:00 AM Stretch, breathe, repeat. Instructor Brittney Ricks of Peak Yoga Wellness will lead a free monthly yoga session in the library community room. Please bring a mat and/or towel.
Categories: Recreation & Sports
Seed Planting
Come learn how seeds grow by planting some yourself! Plant seeds and take them home or play in our indoor garden box. Geared for everyone!
Categories: Children's EventFamily Event
Categories: Community ServicesClubs/OrganizationsFamily Event
Scratchboard with Drama with Rhonda Nass
Scratchboard with Drama with Rhonda Nass
Categories: Arts & Culture
Cuentos Bilingues - Bilingual Storytime
Join us for a morning of stories! ¡Juntense con nosotros para una mañana de cuentos! For children under 5 years old. Este evento es para pequeños hasta 5 años.
Categories: Arts & CultureChildren's EventFamily Event
Book Club Series: Land Rich, Cash Poor
Mon, Mar 31 | 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM | Sauk Prairie Healthcare - Hospital Join us for an open discussion on Land Rich, Cash Poor, a book that explores the challenges faced by family farms with suggestions of hope for the future
Categories: Arts & Culture
Categories: Arts & CultureClubs/Organizations
The Morning Blend
Wake up and join us for coffee and conversation on the 1st Tuesday of each month, from 8:00 - 9:30 am.
Categories: Chamber Of Commerce