  • Sauk City Firefighters Association INC.


    Fire Department

    About Us

    Established in 1854, we hold the title of ''The Oldest Organized Volunteer Fire Department in Wisconsin''.

    Our Service Areas:
    The Village of Sauk City
    The Township of Honey Creek
    The Township of Prairie du Sac
    The Township of Roxbury
    The Township of Sumpter
    The Township of Troy
    The Township of West Point


    Firefighter members posed in uniform in front of the fire truck
    Firefighter members posed in uniform on the street in front of the fire department
    4 Firetrucks parked in garage openings at the fire department
    Large firetruck parked on side of a street
    Sauk Fire District car parked outside the fire department


    Firefighter - Sauk City Fire Department
    Category: Fire, Law Enforcement, and Security
    We are currently accepting applications to join our team. If you are a man or woman over the age of 18 and live or work in the area, we’d love to hear from you. You can contact any current member, stop by the firehouse, or call the non-emergency phone number (643-8282) and leave a message with any questions you may have. Our application can be found on our website or you can reach out to any of ...read more
    Phone:(608) 643-8282